of the toughest but still brilliant days yet.
Looking at the profile,
it didn't look too bad, a few ups and downs but nothing too major.
However, hidden between the larger hills was an infinite number of
smaller sharper ones and after a while they soon start to wear you down.
That plus the wind, the longer distance and some drizzle made for a
challenging day.
started on the Isle of Arran and got the 30 minute ferry crossing back
to the mainland before getting on our bikes. The water was really clear,
starfish and jellyfish were easily visible.
weren't many roads to get lost on but it did give us a disorientated
feeling as the coast appeared on the left, then the right, then the
30 miles left to go, we blasted back to the campsite, along the way seeing some amazing mountains and Ben Nevis showing it's greatness in the background.
Back at the campsite, we tucked in to another delicious home-made meal and a very welcome hot shower.
Just a reminder...
As this is what we are doing it for... Please don't forget to pledge your donations of support. If you could only give 1p a mile for the 1050 miles we are doing it's £10.50 into the pot we are trying to raise - Help stop Cancer! Simply go to justgiving to leave your donation.
Photos fro the day... Click to enlarge
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