Thursday, 5 September 2013

Thank you

We just wanted to say a big thank you to a few people who  made the trip possible, and dare we say it, enjoyable!

Janet and Gordon - For supporting us during the whole ride, including washing our clothes, cooking meals, putting up and taking down the tent and keeping us entertained.

Mark - For letting us use his tent. Never forget the orange interior!

Paul - For arranging the whole thing including booking the campsites, working out the route and bringing all his gadgets so we could record our progress.

Andrew - For updating the blog for us when we had no internet access (which was most of the time).

Family and friends - for keeping in contacting and giving us your support

Everyone else - A massive thank you to everyone who has donated to our chosen charity Cancer Research.

The Proof!
Not convinced that the photos are real and we were actually sat at home with our feet up? We recorded every ride on a GPS, including the places we got lost! You can view each of the rides day by day in detail here

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